Saturday, 31 October 2015

1 Second Everyday

The film of your life.
Imagine a movie that includes every day of the rest of your life…

FEATURED on: Fast Company, MASHABLE, CNN, TED, BBC, & many more.

For over 3 years now, I've been recording 1 second every day, so I'll never forget another day ever again. This project has had such a profoundly positive impact on my life, that I've passionately developed an App that will make it extraordinarily easy for anyone to do this too.

Reliving every single day of my life at age 30 in 6 minutes has provided me with a treasured perspective on life. It holds me accountable for making each day count.

When I turn 40, I'll have a 1 hour compilation that encapsulates my 30s. If I live to see 80 years of age, I'll have a 5-hour video that summarizes 50 years of my life.


+ The App accesses any videos recorded on your phone & sorts them by date. You can also record your moment directly from the App.

+ Setup friendly reminders so you never forget a day!

+ Keep multiple timelines! You could have one for yourself… for each of your kids… your dinner… what you wear every day… etc! Looking forward to endless creative interpretations!

+ Backup your seconds with Google Drive!

+ Compile any given amount of time desired—the last month, year, or just select a start and end date.

+ Post your compilations directly to your social networks.

+ Your seconds are privately held on your phone. You never have to share this with anyone if you don't want to. The primary purpose of this App is to help you remember your own life. Sharing is optional.

Cam McCuen
Ever since the UI update, I haven't been able to compile any videos. Now the videos i clip only end up as sound with black video. EDIT: I turned on native compile and the same thing happened. Black video with just sound EDIT EDIT: I resent the email and included my name
Rated: 2 Star

Frankie Fanelli
I have almost a full years worth of 1 second clips and they are just sitting there. Whenever I try to compile all of the snips it gets to about 24 seconds and then says it's finished with the video.
Rated: 3 Star

Nihar Shah
Now it never compiles custom dated videos. It shouldn't take 7 min to mash a weeks worth of videos, but it never seems to be mash anymore. Please fix.
Rated: 2 Star

Fergus Cahillane
Since the last update all my slow motion videos don't play and the audio lags behind the video more and more as it goes along. I would expect more from a paid for app and one which I have introduced to so many people. EDIT - thanks to your response and changing those settings it works again, would have loved this information sooner somehow (perhaps through the daily reminder or an email) thanks for responding quickly, I increased my rating. I will contact that support email about 1 other issue
Rated: 3 Star

Asaf H
Syncing issues caused the my timeline to be hidden when moved to a new phone, stressed me for a couple of days. To resolve click manage timelines, then go back and you should see "My Life" twice. This app lets you do this easily, but it's very basic. There's no special way to deal with portrait videos, no way to add music etc. Some UX isn't convenient, going back a few weeks to set the seconds, when finishing always scrolling to the bottom. Clicking back from editing a movie always goes back to the timeline overview instead to that day's movie selection etc.
Rated: 3 Star

Victoria P
Having recently moved from apple to android, this version is very different to the one I have been used to using on my iPhone. First of all, where is the time travel mode?! Secondly trying to crop the footage and choose the exact moment is difficult in this app and everything is very slow to save. Overall, not impressed and, despite having 8 months worth of seconds on my iPhone I'm debating not continuing with this app.
Rated: 3 Star

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