Sunday, 1 November 2015

Finger Blood HD Pressure

Blood pressure measuring device fingerprint Prank
Enjoy tricks friends through blood pressure measurement device handprint This is a Prank!
Blood pressure measuring device fingerprint Prank
Blood pressure is a measure of the scanner through the footprint to measure blood pressure in young children and adults and Kdlk blood pressure measurement on the whole body.
Application feature footprint to enjoy the Pfsah a fingerprint fingers of your hand, of course, is to your phone scans this your footprint to give you an estimate of the placebo your blood pressure.
We offer you the easiest fingerprint scanner to measure the pressure of blood pressure
The application provides you with the possibility of blood pressure check with you so you can note your blood and get almost achieve placebo.
It is a scanner to calculate blood pressure and just measure,
How to use:
Step 1: Select your gender and click Next,
Step 2: Place your finger gently now and literature on the scanner plate fingerprint and wait for medical tests
Result: will display fake results automatically is the real blood pressure after the account.
Image posted with your friends
Soon we will release new applications for tricks and exciting
Reduce weight and calculate heart rate
Hedda and all the hand imprint
Features trick:
✔ slogans joke application moment to gather with your friends
✔ HD graphics and the use of the scanner beautiful animation
✔ a lot of user-friendly and easy to use
✔ free fun for everyone
✔ Prank finger blood pressure does not require an Internet connection.
✔ finger blood pressure Prank free fun for everyone.
✔ Prank Finger blood pressure is a completely free download.
✔ great fun.
Note: Footprint calculator blood pressure and the application of a joke and a fake
They are not able to measure blood pressure in the human body, each reading
That are used in this application are fake and randomly by the application. And it is being developed for
Entertainment and joy.
warning: This is just a Prank Application just for fun !!

Isabel Macedo
You put your finger on the calculator and it calculates your finger
Rated: 1 Star

Sondous Smaoui
Rated: 5 Star

Rated: 4 Star

Parteet Manit
Rated: 1 Star

A Google User
Rated: 5 Star

A Google User
Very nice app :*
Rated: 5 Star

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